Spark plugs in cars are made of different metal electrodes like Platinum, Iridium, Nickel or Copper. Most car manufacturers use Copper or Iridium tipped spark plugs which are good enough to ignite gasoline but perform poorly or have problems to combust hard to ignite fuels like CNG or LPG. Silver as a metal has the highest electrical and thermal conductivity amongst all metals and BRISK is an eight three-year-old company from the Czech Republic which makes performance Spark plugs made with the Silver electrode and 360-degree sparks. BRISK is an OE supplier to likes of VW, Skoda, Audi, Volvo, TM Racing, Lamborghini and other performance vehicles worldwide.
Brisk Silver CNG LPG Spark Plugs are specially made for CNG /LPG application and emit strong sparks to ignite the fuel air mixture in the car’s engine fully, ensuring improved combustion and better performance, higher mileage, and longer spark plug life compared to conventional spark plugs. What is also important is that these plugs work at lower voltage to produce a stronger spark, meaning that your car’s electronic systems do not wear out faster on CNG (which would otherwise be over worked as ignition temp for CNG is twice that of Petrol). These plugs also help eliminate backfires due to poor ignition – a common problem in poorly maintained or improperly calibrated CNG / LPG vehicles.
For more info on BRISK Silver CNG LPG Spark Plugs can also check out http://www.briskracing.in/silverfaq.php
The BRISK Silver series spark plugs are available with a preset Spark Plug gap ideally for CNG run cars and do not require any maintenance. One can also procure these Spark Plugs online from www.briskracing.in